Create a feature on the exchange platform that allows users to easily negotiate and trade NFTs by chatting and sending messages with other users.
under review
When trading on platforms like OpenSea or Blur, many of us have experienced the frustration of not being able to complete a transaction for an NFT we really like because the price is just slightly higher than what we have in our account. Without the seller sharing their social media information, such as Twitter, there was no way to directly contact them and negotiate a deal. What if there was a way to easily communicate with other users through chat and messages within the exchange site itself? This would make trading much easier and attract many users to migrate from other exchanges to Alienswap. Let's create a feature that enables easy communication and negotiation for a smoother trading experience.
Great Idea! a comment section under every nft would be enough! and if both parties accept they can msg private! would be nice and new! :)
under review